Filme, die wir mit und für Partner umgesetzt haben.

An Artistic Act to Act
The destruction of valuable Natura 2000 forests in the Romanian Carpathians continues unabated despite ongoing infringement proceedings by the EU Commission against the Romanian government. The EuroNatur Foundation (Germany), together with the environmental organizations ROBIN WOOD, Agent Green (Romania) and Fern (Belgium), are therefore calling on the EU Commission to speed up the process ...

Tornados, Fluten und Waldbrände: Wer schützt uns heute?
Tornadoes, floods and forest fires: who protects us today? What do all three protagonists have in common? Their homes have been threatened and partially destroyed, their health endangered and their sense of peace and security changed forever. Who or what protects us from the climate crisis and future pandemics? One thing is clear: we must ...

Enough?! Performance between climate change and changing climate
Film support and processing of the educational film performance. The Freiburg Scientific Theater (FST) combines expert knowledge on sustainability issues with theatrical performances. The theater serves to mediate between experts and scientists, as well as between different cultures and generations. Scientific contexts are conveyed in an entertaining and innovative way, which we were allowed ...

Der bewegte Koffer
A German-Danish art project. The annual symposium under this year’s theme “TON” took place on the Danish side in the brickworks of Cathrinesminde Teglværk near the border. In 2020 the 100th anniversary of the German-Danish border will be celebrated – in times when a policy of foreclosure is being pursued on other European borders. ...

Uranium- what are we talking about?
When in 2007 / 2008, the price of uranium skyrocketed from around US$ 20 per pound to nearly US$ 140 per pound, mining companies from all over the world set out to find uranium – a new uranium rush had started. Africa became a major target for uranium exploration. “Uranium Mining – what are we ...

Small-scale Gold Mining: Chinese Operations in Cameroon
A Film by Jonathan Happ & Katja Becker (2016) in Cooperation with the BMBF-funded Researchproject AFRASO –”Afrika’s Asiatische Optionen” which shows the Chinese investment with ups and downs for the people and the environment within the informal gold mining sector in Cameroon.