Tornadoes, floods and forest fires: who protects us today?
What do all three protagonists have in common? Their homes have been threatened and partially destroyed, their health endangered and their sense of peace and security changed forever. Who or what protects us from the climate crisis and future pandemics? One thing is clear: we must invest in real climate protection instead of tanks and the like! Nevertheless, the budget for the Ministry of Defense is expected to increase to 50 billion euros in 2022. In comparison, only around 15 billion euros are earmarked for the environment and development ministries in 2021. Armament blocks the system change that we urgently need to stop the climate crisis. According to a study by “Agora Energiewende”, 46 billion euros are needed annually for a climate-friendly restructuring of the German economy. With “Climate for Peace” we demand together with Greenpeace Spain and Greenpeace Italy: “Climate protection instead of armament”!
In cooperation with Greenpeace Germany, we were allowed to create the short film of 11 minutes as well as several short versions in different language versions for evaluation in social media.