Beiträge und Dokumentationen auf die wir stolz sind, von uns produziert oder bei denen wir an zentraler Stelle mitgewirkt haben.
Searching for sustainable gold
With mere hammers they knock chunks out of the rock. Every year, 727t of mercury is released worldwide through gold mining in informal mines, which makes gold production the greatest mercury polluter. And everything for the dazzling symbol of wealth: gold. The documentary accompanies the renowned Hamburg goldsmith Jan Spille, who has been campaigning for ...
Until the Last Drop – Makwekwe’s journey into the Future of Lake Turkana
A short documentary about the importance of Lake Turkana for the indigenous people in northern Kenya. Seen from their own perspective and expressed in a modern artistic way, which delivers the alarming message packed in a positive tune. ‘Until the Last Drop’ was produced in 2016 and is running in 2017 on various international film ...
Toxic Business
Übersicht kommende Filmvorführungen von Toxic Business A documentary on the profits international chemical companies are gaining in Africa at cost of the environment, health of small-scaled-farmers and consumers. The film inspired a movement on the African continent. International chemical companies sell high toxic agro-chemicals in Kenya, which are banned since long in Europe. They are banned because ...
Legacy Warnings!
The Threat Around Johannesburg the impact of uranium mining is widely detectable. Huge parts of its population struggling with its Legacy. South Africa is the only African country running two nuclear power stations. One as a source of energy, the second infamous for its accidents. The president Jacob Zuma pushes a program to extend its nuclear ...
Live under the shadow of Palmoil
In December 2013, Wilmar — the world’s largest trader of palm oil — announced a far-reaching new policy commitment – no deforestation, no exploitation in any of its business, requiring all of its suppliers to cease deforestation. Bidco, the east african brand of Wilmar, describing themselves as an integral part of the east african history ...